Monday, November 5, 2007

Weekend Survival

So the whirlwind of friends and family has come and gone and our wee little apartment is still standing. We managed to get Chris into a church for the second time in a dozen years and he still has yet to burst into flames.

Now I just need a couple of days off to relax and recover. Ah well.

Friday, November 2, 2007


So I'm turning 39 tomorrow and my daughter Jordan will be 3 months old in a couple of days and I think I just need a place to share thoughts and ideas again. I'll probably post random stuff whenever the mood strikes me and will try and coerce my lovely wife Megan into contributing here as well.

Jordan's Baptism is this weekend and Megan has been sick with a wicked cold since last week so this is going to be a hectic couple of days. I'm looking forward to it though, my mom, sister and best friend Chris are going to be in town together again and it's been years since we've all been in the same place. It should be fun. It's going to be even more fun getting Chris into a church and turning him into a godfather.

It's very odd being a parent. The Baptism is really for the benefit of the grandmothers at this point and for a mythical future Jordan who exists only in the realm of possibilities. Will she want to be an active person of faith? Who knows? I want to give her the opportunities to make up her own mind about religion and faith but I figure that if she does want to be active in the Christian faith that she'll appreciate having been Baptised.