Friday, March 28, 2008

Evidence Mounts

Further proof that I am a stranger in a strange and scary land. Megan sent me a link to this opinion letter in the Muskogee Phoenix, our local paper:

This guy is probably my neighbor. For those of you like me who don't happen to have passages of the Bible memorized, let me save you the trouble of looking up Leviticus 20:13 that he references in his editorial:
If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Nice, real nice.

Good news for lesbians though I suppose. Apparently they get off Scott free but I'm sure that they can be stoned to death for much lesser offenses, like having vagina's.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stranger in a Strange Land

I live in the wrong place. I feel like a spy behind enemy lines and I hope that no one notices when I'm out in public lest they turn and point at me and start screeching. You see, I'm a fairly liberal democratic atheist and I live in Muskogee, Oklahoma. For those of you not "from around here" allow me to explain.

When you meet someone for the first time they ask not "How are you today?" or "How are you feeling?" but more often they ask "What Church do you go to?" and on one occasion "So, were you raised in the Church?". Fortunately we're friends with a pretty hip Reverend at a church here and I do sometimes attend to make the wife and mother-in-law happy so I have some level of plausible deniability about my church attendance.

The other thing that has me worried recently is related to Oklahoma state representative Sally Kerns' most recent paranoid speeches against the "homosexual agenda" (whatever that is). The thing that really scares me about the whole situation is not that a federally elected representative could think some of the things that she does (like that early childhood education is a tool for the homosexuals to indoctrinate our children) and its not that she hasn't been called on to resign for practicing paranoid hate speech hidden behind a shield of religion. No, what really scares me is the fact that the majority of people in this state seem to agree with her from the polls that I find. I think that there's the distinct possibility that she really is a good representative of the people of Oklahoma. When driving home from work last week I passed a car parked outside of the liquor store in our neighborhood and written in soap on the rear window instead of "Go Roughers!" it said, "Amen Sally Kern".

Please send help.

Of course, there's also the possibility that along with some other infamous outspoken Republicans against homosexuality that she is as gay as drag queen bingo during pride week.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Red Green Velvet Cake

Megan signed up for the St. Patrick's day pot luck at the health department and by "signed up" I actually mean that she signed me up to make a "Green Velvet Cake". Now, bringing a velvet cake where each slice is probably 700 calories to the "health" department may seem odd but the first Red Velvet cake I made came out incredibly good (even though the icing wasn't quite as fluffy, creamy and delicious as it should have been) and this is Muskogee Oklahoma where healthy is a relative term.

To make sure that a green velvet cake is as palatable as its red brother we decided that a test cake was in order (either that or Megan was just really craving another cake). So last night we got all of the ingredients out and threw it together. This time I creamed the bejesus out of the icing and I must say that the results were fan-freaking-tastic. This cake is GOOD. So good in fact that I may have to throw the other half of it away before I find myself eating cake for breakfast (did that today), lunch (probably will today) and dinner (almost certainly will).


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Babies are GROSS

Now I think everyone knows this in their head, but I don't think you really get it until you have your own very gross baby. First of all, there is a lot of saliva coming out of Jordan constantly. Sometimes she mixes it up by adding lots of snot too. Disgusting!!! But we really should have taken some pictures of the child tonight.

Nana Pam was visiting and had fed Jordan while Brett and I ate dinner and watched Big Brother (we got an antenna until we decide between cable and satellite). So she finishes eating and I go to get some pajamas for her. Nana asks if she needs a new diaper, but Brett and I both say "no." She'd just been changed about 30 minutes ago. Nana notices that she smells a little and holds her up. The child has poop going up her back and down her leg. How does that happen?
No. Really. How does that happen???
We had to spray her down in the tub while I was gagging from the smell. A seven-month-old child should not have that kind of smell. Now what makes this even funnier to me is that I had just read Jorge Garcia's blog earlier tonight which said something along the lines of his needing to grow up because he found funny. I actually went to the sight and it was also disgusting but at least it didn't make me gag. Now I have to admit that after her bath, Jordan was just a cute as ever which I'm hoping will help me to forget how disgusting babies can be. Look at how cute this child is...