Friday, May 2, 2008


Just wanted to drop in a status update since we haven't recently. Jordan is still growing like a cute little weed and has been pulling up on everything that she can reach. She especially likes to pull up on the TV stand so that it can beam its HD goodness straight into her skull. Jaxon and her continue to play the "I'll play with your toys, you play with mine" game. Jaxon loves her Pooh bear and she loves Big Duck, Squirrel and gross badger rags.

We continue to have uninvited house guests in the form of wee little mice. We caught one every day this week until yesterday. Susan Kath suggested we get an ultrasonic rodent repellent thing but since we still had hamsters so we couldn't do that. Since then they've both passed away so maybe now we should get one. I think the neighbors are getting suspicious about me walking across the street with a strange metal box every day.

R.I.P. Boston Baked Bean and Java Bean (burying them in the backyard reminded me of the hamster graveyard in Garden State). I think we'll hold off on any replacement rodent purchases for now. If Megan wasn't worried about Hantavirus, we could just replace them with mice and solve two issues at once...

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